Semiconductor device Diode
Diode Diode is a semiconductor device. Because of their unique ability to conduct current in only one direction, diode are used in rectifier circuits. Rectification is the process of converting AC to pulsating DC. Diode and its symbol Half Wave Rectifiers When the sine wave inpu t voltage goes positive, the diode is forward-biased and conducts current to the load resistor. The current produces a voltage across the load, which has same shape as the positive half-cycle of the input voltage. When the input voltage goes negative during the second half of its cycle, the diode is reversed- biased. There is no current, so the voltage across the load resistor is 0. The net result is that only the positive half cycles of the ac input voltage appears across the load, making the output a pulsating DC voltage. This process is called half wave-rectification ڈایڈ ایک نیم کنڈکٹر ڈیوائس ہے۔ ڈایڈڈ صرف ایک ہی سمت میں کرنٹ...